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Whistleblowing reporting channel

The City of Kokkola uses the Whistleblowing reporting channel. It allows you to report suspected wrongdoings or misconduct. The channel will further improve the accountability of our activities. The channel complies with the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive and is a way of ensuring that whistleblowers can safely report their concerns.

Who can report?

A confidential report may be submitted, within the Kokkola City Organization, by

  • current and former employees, and jobseekers
  • employees of subcontractors and suppliers
  • trainees and volunteers

What can be reported?

This service allows you to report suspected misconduct, such as inappropriate conduct or fraudulent, unethical, dishonest, unlawful or carless action or behavior. A whistleblower is not expected to provide proof to confirm their suspicion, but reports should always be made in good faith.

Whistleblowers are protected by the Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Infringements of European Union and National Law. Matters concerning any of the following may be reported through the Whistleblowing reporting channel:

  1. Public procurement (excluding defence and security spending)
  2. Financial services, products, and markets
  3. Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
  4. Product safety and conformity
  5. Traffic safety
  6. Environmental protection
  7. Radiation and nuclear safety
  8. Food and feed safety and animal health and welfare
  9. Public health (as defined in Article 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union)
  10. Consumer protection
  11. Privacy and personal data protection, and network and information systems security.

There are several ways for the city’s staff to report inappropriate treatment. A report of inappropriate treatment may be submitted to a supervisor, the HR-services, occupational health and safety or the electronic PRO24-system. Additional information and instructions are available on the intranet.

Feedback and complaints should be submitted to our electronic feedback service.

Report processing

The report is processed by the person designated to use the Whistleblowing-program (confidentiality obligation). Reports are processed within seven days of submitting the report, and they will be resolved no later than within three months.

You can only submit a report by giving your own name. All reports will be dealt with in full confidentiality. You can file a report via the link below. The link will open a new tab.

  • Fill out the form. After submitting the form, the system will send you a confirmation message. Save the numerical code of your report. You can also add attachments to your report.
  • You can follow the processing of your report and have conversations with the Whistleblowing contact person by logging in with your numerical code. Please note; if you lose your code, we cannot retrieve it for you for security reasons, and you will need to file a new report.
  • You may be asked questions during the course of processing. Remember to visit the follow-up page as the process progresses.