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Principles for a safer space

The City of Kokkola is committed to the Safer Space Principles. The Safer Space Principles are used in all spaces and events in the city. The aim is to create physically and psychologically safe spaces and to ensure an equal, respectful and open atmosphere.

We are all unique

In a safer space, everyone can feel welcome and be themselves, with all their personal qualities, in a more confident way. Our unique qualities are age, ethnicity, nationality, language and culture, religion, beliefs, opinions, political views, family background, gender identity, sexual orientation, health, disability, social status, economic status and other individual factors such as body size, skin color, appearance or neurodiversity.

Principles for a safer space in the City of Kokkola

  • We are polite and considerate to one another.
  • We respect each other’s self-determination. We respect what people say about themselves.
  • We make space for each other. We do not disturb others by, for example, making noise, inappropriate touching or getting too close without permission.
  • We pay attention to our choice of words. We do not use offensive language.
  • We can make mistakes and ask questions, because we cannot assume that everyone knows the same things.
  • We listen and encourage. We can also disagree constructively.
  • We protect each other from disrespectful behavior.

Creating safer spaces together

If you notice someone behaving inappropriately or otherwise violating the principles of a safer space, intervene. Raise the matter primarily with the person concerned. People make mistakes, and by talking with them they have the opportunity to change their actions.


If you can’t resolve the issue, or you’re unable or unwilling to deal with the matter yourself:

  • Inform the employees or organizers who are present.
  • If the situation is threatening or poses a danger, call 112.