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Tennis courts

Tennis courts in Kokkola are available free of charge, with the exception of the mass court in the central sports field.
The sports club Kokkolan Tenniskerho collects the reservation fees for the use of the central sports field, and the club is also in charge of the maintenance of the field.

For the members of Kokkolan Tenniskerho, the use of the mass court in the central sports field is included in the membership fee (annual fee: adults 35 € and juniors 20 €). Other court users shall pay a fee of 10 €/hour.

Central sports field
Three red gravel mass courts. NB! Subject to a fee.

Kirkonmäki sports field
Three sand-filled synthetic turf fields

Santahaka sports area
Three sand-filled synthetic turf fields

Ykspihlaja sports field
One asphalt court

Lohtaja Kirkonkylä tennis court
Two stone dust mass courts

Ullava sports field
One brick dust mass court

There is a one-court tennis hall at the Kokkola Sports Arena for all-year-round use.

Reservation calendar