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Two adults and three children borrow books. A library clerk sits behind a desk.


The city of Kokkola offers library services at the Kokkola City Library, the Library bus and at five branch libraries in Koivuhaka, Kälviä, Lohtaja, Ullava and Rahkonen.

Photographer: Tomi Hirvinen

Terms of use and payments change on 1 January 2025

  • Overdue fine 0.20 euros for each day. The fee can be a maximum of 10 euros per loan.
  • Prints and copies, A4 and A3, in colour or black and white, cost 0.50 euros.
  • Interlibrary loans from within Finland 10 euros.
  • Plastic bag 0.50 euros.
  • The library will not refund the compensation fee paid by the customer, even if the customer later finds the material that they have already replaced.

Decision: Kulttuuri ja vapaa-aikalautakunta (Culture and Leisure Committee) 06.11.2024 § 91

New Terms of use and payments