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Information on the local government pilots on employment

The Kokkola region local government pilot on employment consists of the City of Kokkola, the City of Kannus and the municipality of Perho, as well as the subregion of Kaustinen (i.e. Halsua, Kaustinen, Lestijärvi, Toholampi and Veteli).

The Kokkola region local government pilot on employment started on 1 March 2021, and it is set to end on on 31 December 2024.

The TE services 2024 reform is currently prepared. The reform involves a permanent transfer of TE services to municipalities. On 23 March 2023, the President of the Republic approved a legislative package on the reorganisation of public employment and business services.  The transfer of TE services to the municipalities will take place on 1 January 2025.

In practice, the launch of the local government pilot on employment means that as of 1 March 2021, some of the Central Ostrobothnian customers of the TE Office of Ostrobothnia use the employment services of their home municipality, and some of the customers remain customers of the TE Office of Ostrobothnia.

The customers affected by this change, and their information transferred automatically from the TE Office to the municipalities’ customer information systems, and the transfer didn´t require the customers to take any measures.

The local government pilot on employment have  offices in Kokkola’s iPark facility, as well as in the municipalities’ offices. Strong digital service development efforts take also place during the pilot.

This change and the related transfer of customers is based on the Act on Local Government Trials for the Promotion of Employment. Local government pilots to promote employment are linked to the Government’s objectives to increase the rate of employment.

Read more about the local government pilots on employment and what they mean for individual customers and employers:

Jobseeker services during a local government trial on employment (

Employer services during a local government trial (

Who are included in the local government pilot on employment?

You are a customer in a local government pilot if you have registered as a jobseeker and your municipality of residence is part of a regional pilot and you are unemployed, laid-off, employed or enrolled in a service promoting employment and belong to one of the following groups:

  • you are not entitled to an earnings-related allowance
  • you are under 30 years of age
  • you speak as your mother tongue a language other than Finnish, Swedish or Sami
  • you are an immigrant

Are you enrolled in the local pilots on employment.

Kokkola region local government pilot on employment

Contact requests via Oma asiointi (TE -services E-services) or by telephone

The regional service number of the Kokkola region local government pilot:
06 828 9800 (Mon−Wed 9 am−12 am and 1 pm−3 pm)

Additional information about Kokkola region local government pilot

Virpi Takamaa
Employment Coordinator
050 437 0313

Additional information about the local government pilot in Kaustinen sub-region:

Laura Korhonen
Employment Coordinator
040 167 8349

Employment services in Kaustinen sub-region (in Finnish)

Additional information about the local government pilot in Kannus:

Tiina Salo
Employment Coordinator
tel 044 474 5241