Food Service
Our kitchen professionals prepare and serve a tasty, versatile and nutritious meal for approximately 6500 school children.
The children are offered a delicious and well-balanced meal every day. The meal includes a warm course, salad, salad dressing, bread, spread, and something to drink with the meal. The salads are served as components.
The school meals are designed so that they meet the valid nutritional recommendations.
Paid snack
Pupils in middle schools and upper secondary schools have a possibility to enjoy a healthy and affordable snack. The selection includes, among others, bread products, drinks and different fruit.
The snacks are paid for with snack tickets. Ticket books are sold at the school kitchen. The kitchen only accepts cash payment.
A ticket book contains 20 tickets and costs 14.00 € (2022).
Cleaning service
Our cleaning professionals working in schools clean an area of over 83,000 m2 every day. The cleaning staff is in charge of, for example, keeping the floors, furniture and surfaces tidy.
Cleaning is a way to maintain and preserve the good condition of the buildings and to create a safe and healthy environment for the pupils and students. The cleanliness of surfaces also promotes good indoor air quality.