All the upper secondary schools in Kokkola offer general upper secondary education. The Finnish upper secondary school has a special orientation in natural sciences and technology. The upper secondary school for adults is in charge of the upper secondary studies included in combination studies and vocational upper secondary education and of distance upper secondary school activities.

General upper secondary education
Kokkola has a Finnish-speaking upper secondary school, a Swedish-speaking upper secondary school and a Finnish-speaking upper secondary school for adults.
Contact us
Markku Anttila
Johtava rehtori
Kokkolan suomalainen lukio
Jonna Finell
Kokkolan aikuislukio
Kokkolan suomalainen lukio
Finnish-speaking general upper secondary school in Kokkola.
Karleby svenska gymnasium
Swedish-speaking general upper secondary school in Kokkola.
Kokkolan aikuislukio – Kokkolan ammattilukio
Finnish-speaking upper secondary school for adults and vocational upper secondary school.
Studying in upper secondary school
Upper secondary school teaching highlights the individuality of each student. The school will guide and help the students to draw up plans and make choices.
Matriculation Examination
The tests included in the Matriculation Examination are held twice a year, the autumn tests in September–October and the spring tests in March–April.
The local upper secondary school curriculum was drawn up specifically for Kokkola, with consideration for both Finnish and Swedish-speaking education.
Support for studying and student welfare
Special education, school nurses, school social workers, psychologists, and financial aids for studies.
Sports Academy
The Central Ostrobothnia Sports Academy provides students with a possibility to combine studying and sports in a flexible manner.