Applying for and terminating a place in early childhood education
Apply for a place at least four months before the need for the service starts, or as soon as you are aware of the need for day care.
Apply for a place at least four months before the need for the service starts, or as soon as you are aware of the need for day care.
Termination of a day care place and the care-place guarantee
Terminate your child’s day care place in writing either on the client fee form or by sending e-mail. You can discontinue your child’s day care placement…
Placing the child in a different day care unit
If you wish to change your child’s ECEC unit, fill in the electronic day care application.
Change in the need for day care
Subject a notification by using the client fee form of any changes in the child’s day care needs, meaning if the child needs fewer or more day care hours….
Applying to language immersion
Children living in Kokkola may apply for a day care place in Swedish or English-language immersion.