Basic education
Kokkola has 27 basic education schools, of which 22 operate in Finnish and 5 in Swedish.
School enrolment
The pupil’s local school is assigned based on their home address.
Basic education schools in Kokkola.
School year and holidays
Workdays and holidays in pre-primary education and basic education.
Travel to school and school transportation
School transportation is organised in accordance with the Basic Education Act and the local transportation policy.
Support for learning and pupil welfare services
A pupil has the right to receive sufficient support for learning and school attendance for the entire period of their basic education studies.
Teaching for language and cultural groups
Preparatory education, teaching in Finnish, in native language and in pupil’s own religion are offered to pupils with immigrant background.
Afternoon activities in basic education
After-school activities referred to in the Basic Education Act are organised in all primary schools in Kokkola.
A curriculum forms the basis for all school activities and education and steers the teaching and schoolwork.
Mika Sarkkinen
Kokkolan kaupunki sivistyskeskus